Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Reverse Carolling 2011 has begun!

It has begun! Today we started Reverse Carolling and what an exciting start it was!
The morning started with cloudy skies which quickly into a heavy downpour around noon. We were still determined to be there at our appointed 2pm and God cleared the skies and held back the rains just as we left for Salaban, Amadeo, around 15 minutes' ride from our house. 

Together with the Claretian Sisters, we went round the area of Salaban, trekking through plantations, and squeezing past narrow lanes to reach the families located off the main roads. And indeed, we saw so many families living in such spartan conditions. All the houses were unpainted and made of zinc roofs and bamboo or plywood walls. Some houses contained 3 or 4 families living under one roof.

I was most touched when an elderly woman we visited started swaying to our singing while her tears flowed freely. She was smiling and dancing and crying all in one go- expressing such joy. It was such a touching sight that we were also crying with her until we could barely continue singing. Truly today, in that house, Jesus visited and touched not only the woman but all our hearts.

Tomorrow, we will continue with the rest of the families in Salaban, Amadeo. Next week, we will welcome our volunteers from Singapore and head off to Montalban, Rizal Province. Join us in prayer and in thanksgiving for all that God is doing!

Singing carols at a home

Food hampers in our green grocery bags

Visiting a house in Salaban. This family doesn't even own this house!

A young mother with her children welcoming us into her bare house

Trekking through the plantations with the Claretian Sisters

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