Thursday, September 2, 2010

Deepening my friendship with Jesus

Last Sunday we had a day’s recollection for some youth from Manila. Having arrived the previous evening, they were up and raring to go early Sunday morning eager to know what was in store for them that day. Their first session began with a time of praise and worship led by Joan, after which they were introduced to the theme of the day’s recollection, Deepening My Friendship With Jesus. In this session of teaching, Fr. Alliston brought out the different elements that make up a genuine friendship while also sharing his personal journey with Jesus, the friend.

This was followed by a time for personal reflection to see how Jesus, their friend had accompanied each of them in their life’s journey up to this moment and then Joan facilitated a time for sharing with each other in the group which left us edified by what each of them had to share.

After lunch, the youth spent some time in creativity- using arts and crafts to prepare a souvenir of their friendship with Jesus. A time of Eucharistic Adoration gave them an occasion for being in Jesus’ presence, enabling them to come to a renewed relationship with Him after reconciling with Him through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

The day’s recollection culminated with each of them Cementing their Friendship with Jesus at the Eucharist. After having dinner with us, they departed happily, having being invigorated by a deeper encounter with Jesus, the friend.

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