Thursday, June 24, 2010

Back to School Mass

On 12 June 2010, we had a special Eucharistic celebration for the children in Montalban as they begin their new academic year the following Monday. Held in the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception, the children turned out in full force for the celebrations.

Dressed in their school uniform, they served as altar boys, lectors and mass commentator. It was a joy to see them growing in confidence as they served during Mass and came up with the gifts for Offertory and read the prayers of the faithful.

It was also a proud moment as we awarded 9 children under our Children Educational Sponsorshop ministry for the marked improvements in their academic grades in the last academic year.

We thank Fr Alvin Dagalea, CRSP, who presided and Deacon Jonathan whoassisted at the Mass. It was a beautiful time of blessing as the children were sent off to be witnesses in their schools and to live to their fullest potential as students!

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