Tuesday, February 2, 2010

We are moving house!

Our mission centre in the Philippines is currently relocating from Pasig, Metro Manila, to Tagaytay, Cavite. The move comes as our current house in Pasig is no longer suitable for our needs given our developing ministries to the poor and our role as the formation centre for new ICPE missionaries. We will be renting a house in Tagaytay, located approximately an hour and a half from Manila.
As we relocate to a much smaller house, we’ve also started selling our extra furniture through 3 days of intensive garage sales. It started with the mind boggling sorting out of furniture and different items in the house, followed by the pricing of the items. Our brothers in community supplied the muscle power as they carried beds, cabinets and shelves down four flights of stairs to display the items for sale. Other community members put on their “business minds” and plunged into the price haggling melee, typical of all local garage sales. Yet others, helped to clean, wipe, recycle and group different items for sale.

The tiring but fulfilling sales marked another step for us as we continue to relocate to the new place that God has in store for us. It is in the letting go that enables new beginnings to take place!

1 comment:

Watered garden said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you as you undergo this process of moving. Keep well all and God will continue to bless all your efforts. JXXX