Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Introducing the Foot Socks..

What is it? A pair of socks with an elastic band around the edges that you put on to cover the OUTSIDE of your shoes.

Who wears them? Children attending public school in the Philippines
What is it for? To protect the floors from getting dirty and muddy.

In the Philippines, public schools provide free education for children but the schools themselves bear the cost of school maintenance and the hiring of personnel to clean the school compound. Usually, each child contributes to cover these additional costs. In the lower income neighbourhoods, the contributions are oftentimes insufficient, placing the onus of school cleaning and maintenance on each child.

Therefore, under the Children Educational Sponsorship Ministry, we assist the children in their school contributions like janitorial fees, classroom fees to buy a fan for the class and school items like floor wax (to clean the classroom floors) and footsocks! These footsocks come in one standard size and they are placed over each side of the school shoes to help the students keep the school grounds clean thus avoiding the need for extra janitorial services and help.

Lately they are appearing in multi-colours and fancy designs. What a treat!

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