Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you usually do each day?
Besides community prayer, daily Eucharistic celebrations, serving each other through in house ministries like cooking, cleaning, we also have times of worship, preparation for ministries and outreaches. We run weekly ministries for children and adults at a relocation township near a rubbish dumpsite. A monthly youth leaders formation. And ad hoc invitations from different parishes, seminaries,

How do you live?
We depend on Divine providence and that includes partners in mission who have been supporting us in prayer, in kind and through monetary support.

What is the formation all about?
This is a two year formation program designed to build up future ICPE missionaries who will be full time in the mission.

What programs do you run?
In the Philippines, we have been running Life in the Spirit seminars, Emmaus Experience (2 weeks), School of Humanitarian Work and Christian Formation (3 months), Pastoral Care School (3 weeks) etc...

Do you take vows?
No, but we live according to the Christian values and acknowledge covenant commitments for varying periods of time such as 2, 3, 5, 10 years or lifetime.

Are singles consecrated for life?
Consecrated life is not mandatory in the mission, and those who do choose, they make private promises.

What about married couples and their children?
They live in the community as full time missionaries as well. Their family life is preserved, and the children go to regular schools and lead regular lives. All ICPE missionaries do not hold jobs outside of the community. We depend on providence.

I am interested in your life and work, but I am still unsure, what can I do?
There are opportunities to 'Come and see', experience life alongside full time missionaries for a period of time. One can also attend a School of Mission at the various mission centres. Do check out our official website for upcoming schools. www.icpe.org

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